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• (Native American)
• (Gates Millennium Scholars)
• (Hispanic)
• (African American)
• – a lot of design opportunities here!!
• (Asian American)
• (Culinary)
• (3rd and 4th year culinary)
• (AIGA Scholarship)

• How to Get Money for College, by Woodburn Press
• Cash for College, by NASFAA
• How to Pay for College: A Practical Guide for Families, by Gen and Kelly Tanabe
• The A's and B's of Academic Scholarships, by Anna Leider and Anna Schimke
• The Black Student's Guide to Scholarships
• The Scholarship Book, by National Scholarship Research Service
• The Scholarship Advisor, by Christopher Vuturo
• Winning Scholarships for College: An Insider's Guide
• Peterson's College Money Handbook
• Paying for College without Going for Broke, by Kalman Chany and Geoff Martz
• Peterson's Winning Money


• Based on accomplishments you have completed or intend to complete
• Community leadership- do you have opportunities to organize or help with some kind of service in the community- i.e. DFV- PSA; ID- design space for organization; GD/WEB- build website or design for organization, club, institution; CUL- volunteer services for soup kitchen etc.
• Put yourself in the shoes of who is giving the money away- convince the awarders to give the money to you
• Foundations and Institutions generally give scholarships for two reasons:
1. Humanitarianism: acknowledge the generosity of the group that is making the money available.
2. Promotional: concentrate on what the group wants to promote.
• Does the company you work for reimburse tuition? If so, how much? Even what seems like a little it can add up to quite a bit- Look into it.
• Most scholarships are first come, first serve. Get the application in early because the money will be given away until it runs out.
• Apply for as many scholarships as possible- nobody looks at where else you have applied
• A common mistake is applying only for “large amounts”- the little ones can add up and more people apply for the larger ones
• Attempt to make personal contact with the organization- sometimes phone calls may be logged and a connection with somebody will make it easier, and more desirable, for the person to help you.
• Never lie or mislead
• Always follow up and say thank you with kindness- whether you get the scholarship or not
• Ideas: American Legion, clubs, local groups, religious groups, companies of all kinds that look for recognition as helping

• This means there must be need, financial or other circumstances to receive this money
• Based on who you are: background, race, religion, cost of living, parents’ occupation, heritage (i.e. Italian descent), income to expenses

4. ORGANIZE (Keep files for everything)
• Personal: transcripts, award letters, letters of reccomendation and recognition, personal history, references
• Family Background: work and educational background of people in your family, resume, ethnicity, religious
• Financial: bank statements, taxes- FAFSA done as soon as you do taxes (merit awards based on your grades run out quickly here- can be up to $500 per quarter. The sooner you complete the FAFSA the sooner we can plan and get you an opportunity for the money you deserve.
• Merit Based Awards: keep track of what you have applied for
• Need based research: note GPA or grade requirements
• Applications: keep copies of what you have applied for
• Schedule/deadlines: Be the first to apply- like above- most times the money will run out if you wait too long.


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