In life things do not always appear in the present as you may have planned in the past. At these times we may look back and make statements, "I wish I would have" or "if I would have". These statements and thoughts can lead a person down a path of self pity and possiblity to a point of dispare. But if you find life gives you lemons- make lemonaid. A good cook and see an ingredient add the elements of balance search out a zest of life and make something that was in the present sour but now a refreshing. This gift is special and if learned well any cook and make the world a better place- one meal, one bite, one experience, or one drink of lemonaid to share with others. That knowledge brings personal happiness to others and may find that that happiest overflows into your own life. That is what I will be sharing with you as I outline my journey of lemons to lemonaid.
It starts with great friends and a supportive loving family. Like any great recipe it is the ingredients that make a dish come together. Study the ingredients, learn them and make the best out of what you have!
Well we are almost half way through another quarter at the ICS at AI Jax. How are you feeling about your experience? Are you Learning? Discovering? Exploring? Or are you still in bed..... with the covers over yourhead? If so get up and maek something of yourself. You are in control of your future. You won't beleive what you can do. SO do it.