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What is on your Mind?

Well we are almost half way through another quarter at the ICS at AI Jax. How are you feeling about your experience? Are you Learning? Discovering? Exploring? Or are you still in bed..... with the covers over yourhead? If so get up and maek something of yourself. You are in control of your future.

You won't beleive what you can do. SO do it.


Anonymous said…
I am feeling Very enthusiastic about my experience at AI. I am learning alot and having fun. I must say that this quarter I am getting way less sleep than I would normally get due to an insanly busy sechedule at school, work, and home. Trying to keep up with it is really rough especially with having two kids but, it's all worth it. I made the presidents list from last semester which I am happy about. Now I feel the pressure this semester to keep my GPA high. I feel like if I don't get A's now the world will blow up or something. It's extreme pressure. My mom says I need to slow my life down or I will burn out. I told her I will rest when I die. I like being busy. If i'm not busy I don't know what to do with myself. I was a house wife for two years and went insane. I like to feel like there is a real meaning for what I do. I like to work and I like to do well. It's my thing. If I miss school it's because, my car needs repair or something else of major importance. Otherwise...I'm there. Is anyone else feeling a little crazy?
Anonymous said…
I LOVE every minute of school and I must admit, that is a first for me. I even like taking the tests and writing the papers. It's amazing how much more you enjoy things when it's something your really want to do and are interested in. I never liked school and couldn't wait to get away and now, it's what I look forward to at the end of the day. I wish that I could go full time and not have to work, but gotta pay the bills. I am much more tired than I was, but I feel so good about myself and I know the end result will be a positive one for me and that's what keeps me going. I sure wish I had done this sooner is life, but better late than never! Making the choice to change careers has been one of the greatest decisions I've ever made and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Anonymous said…
Hey, Karen. I totally agree with what you are saying. I love AI. The last time I ever really remember loving a school to death like I do this one was when I was a Creative Writer at Douglas Anderson school of the arts here in Jacksonville. I think it has a lot to do with having really good quality instructors and having the camraderie with others that we share through having a passion for what we do. It's always easier to learn when you love what you are learning about. I am always happiest when I am cooking or when I am reading or writing about food and other areas of the food industry. I love to read stories about really big time chefs like Norman Van Aken (example). I like to read stories about both their succeses and their failures. It's good to know that even great chefs have their bad days too. It's like in school I have weeks where I am really doing great and then I have other weeks where nothing is going right but, I always find a way to do better in the end. I think that an important part of being a chef is finding a way to correct their mistakes and do something even better. It's having a good attitude in a bad situation and saying to yourself "I am a rockstar, I can handle this, I will handle this, I will fix this, and I can fix this." I think if you are poitive it is easier to see a solution when you do have those bad days. With that kind of attitude at the end of the day we are all rockstars.
Anonymous said…
Culinary school..Actually AI in general is one of the best decisions ive ever made in my life. I never realized how fullfilling it is to be doing what you love every day! This program has not only instilled a wide variety of knowledge in me but it has also given me the confidence to make changes in my life. I was stuck working in a restaurant where i was being abused and not getting any recognition for my talents..But this school helped me realize that I can make it somewhere bigger and better. Yesterday I landed a line cook position at one of the busiest Carrabbas in the nation! Im pretty stoked...Not only am I learning alot, but im making some awesome friends. The Gators Dockside Drinking Team lol..You know who you are..Anyway, thank you Chef Mark and AI for bringing this kickass program into my life!
Anonymous said…
Hey, Ferrari! Good luck on your new job. I hope you love it better and that they appreciate you better than at your last one. See you around.
Anonymous said…
School has been great so far. I have learned a lot and looking forward to learning more. Hopefully we can start launching some extracurricular clubs like beer making, cheese making, strange foods? Maybe these already exist and I don't know about them as I am on the night schedule only. Keep up the great work. Thanks.
eddieg8tor said…
My experience has been great so far..baking has not been my favorite class(intro to baking science and theory. Too many people in the class, I do however really like American Regional. I am meeting great people and have joined a group of great future chefs at Gator's Dockside for after class relaxation. Chef Mark you need to find a way to bottle up that energy and sell is just shows your passion!!Keep it up..See you all in class!
Unknown said…
My experience at Ai is really good! I enjoy cooking, learning more about it and the friends that I have come across. They say it is a small community and I hope they are will be easier to keep in contact with some of you!! The new semester just started..I am trying out 15 credit hours to see how well it goes..I have just upgraded my major from Culinary Skills Diploma, to a Bachelor's in Culinary Management! I am so excited to get to work!! Go Food!

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